
Buurmans Buizenstelsel! (4+)

Kom naar de KinderKaravaan in Apeldoorn en omstreken

In de laatste twee weken van de zomervakantie reist de KinderKaravaan met de theatervoorstelling Buurmans Buizenstelsel door de parken van Apeldoorn, Zutphen en omstreken. Vanaf maandag 12 tot en met vrijdag 16 augustus zijn er iedere dag 2 vrij toegankelijke voorstellingen te zien in Beekbergen, Klarenbeek, Zutphen en Lochem. Vanaf maandag 19 tot en met vrijdag 23 … read more


Een vrolijke dansvoorstelling over pijn...

OW! is a show about pain – about having pain and about causing pain. About a scraped knee and a bump on the head that makes you cry. About a broken heart lying in a thousand pieces on the ground. About a tear that rolls down your cheek because the school bully has teased you yet again. read more


Blaffende en grommende honden koren / Barking and growling dog choirs

  Ow! shouted the Tsar when a stray dog bit him in his leg. Or was it on purpose? He lost his leg and couldn’t keep up appearances which led to a blood curdling climax in the city Poetivl. ‘Stray dogs’ inspired by the story by Toon Tellegen “The dog who bit the Tsar’s leg” … read more

The Friends’ Kitchen parade 4+

Een lekkere culinaire dansvoorstelling

Where are you allowed to slurp at table? What do forgotten vegetables taste like? Is pitaya really dangerous and what does ‘the way to a (wo)man’s heart is through the stomach’ mean? In the Friends’ Kitchen parade plan d- is looking in the kitchen to discover how their neighbours eat. The whole stage is a melting … read more