
Touch me

Een danstheater voorstelling geschikt voor het regulier basisonderwijs en SO / SBO / VSO

Aanbod voor scholen Plan d- presenteert Raak me. Een danstheater voorstelling geschikt voor het regulier basisonderwijs en SO / SBO / VSO. Humor, mime, theater en livemuziek zijn vaste elementen bij de voorstellingen van plan d-. De stijl en manier van danstheater maken, sluiten goed aan bij de belevingswereld van kinderen/jongeren met een beperking. Meedoen, … read more

Day-dark 4+

Dancing where sparks fly for everybody 4 years and older

Everybody is at one time or another afraid of the dark. The uncertainty of not knowing what is going to happen and  what you cannot see. Everyone likes the light,  the warmth and feeling safe! And if the light goes out does nothing exist anymore? Is darkness always scary? Is it always safe when there … read more

Floris (6+)

Magical dance and music theatre with singing knights and dancing damsels and brave troubadours. With two live musicians, two dancers and a magician!

Floris is a real hero back in the time of courageous and brave knights, travels full of deprivation and enormous castles. The performance is inspired on the life of Floris V who became the Count of Holland then only 12 years old and who has gone down in history as a real Dutch knight hero.

Ice Palace (6+)

Ice Palace is an exciting dance performance through a magical world of ice.

What is more beautiful than a world where everything is ice? read more

Friends in Winter (5+)

A sparkling dance performance

It is getting colder and colder. The friends are getting ready for winter. They chop wood for the fireplace, bake cookies, knit a warm hat and bring a Christmas tree home. read more

THE big PLAN D- MINI festival (5+)

Plan d- celebrates it's 10 year anniversary with a festive, interactive festival with the best of plan d-.

In 2018 is plan d- 10 years old and that’s worth celebrating! Special for this birthday celebration a number of the successes (of previous years) will be performed again, like See Heroes, Circus Santa Sangre, Friends in Winter, Friends in the Library, Friends in the Country and Sophie. The MINI festival starts wiith a performance of Sea Heroes 19 October in the … read more

Sea heroes (6+)

Sea heroes is an exciting dance performance about the magical power of the sea.

Who has not pretended at one time to be a captain in his own bathtub? Or as a real pirate, conquered the world in a rubber boat? The bathwater that suddenly turns into an infinite ocean, where rugged sea men and women sail on the enormous waves. read more


A multidisciplinary solo dance performance for adults

In a room of ice and glass, a man plays a dangerous game with the elements.
There is a sound garden of dripping water, and light reflections shining through shards of glass frozen in ice. read more

Friends on Vacation (4+)

Dance and slapstick in an acrobatic dance performance

It’s finally holiday-time! Two neighbors are on their way to their vacation spot in their old Volkswagen beetle. They are really looking forward to it! Sandwiches for on the way, a map on their laps, and the radio is tuned into the latest weather forecasts from Spain. read more